Our Story


Meet Our Founder: Carolyn Hamlet

I Believe My Story is Your Story

I wasn't surprised to learn that around 1 p.m. each day, 64% of people reach for drinks containing caffeine to give them a boost in focus and productivity, and that 94% of people snack daily. That described me perfectly, as rarely a day passes when I don't crave caffeine and something sweet. The problem was that most of the drinks I consumed caused jitters and left me with a crash, while the snacks were high in sugar and lacked any better-for-you ingredients. And, few brands prioritized social responsibility and environmental sustainability, values that are important to me. The creation of ōku - a tasty reduced-sugar gummy snack that delivers sustained energy, while appealing to today's conscious consumer - is the result of countless hours of research and passion.

The name ōku, inspired by Japanese culture, represents qualities we aspire to embody in our brand and inspire in others - vitality, empowerment, mindfulness, resilience, and harmony. We have raving fans from all walks of life -- tired moms, professionals young and old, students, college athletes, menopausal women and more.

ōku is not just a caffeinated snack; it's a deliciously-convenient Conscious Energy source that fuels your body and mind. I can't wait to share it with you!

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